It's very often that people walk into my home and tell me that it looks like a magazine or it looks staged or like a model home. They then will tell me that I have an eye for it or a talent. I used to laugh it off and say, "no, I just enjoy it". But since then I have realized both are true. You do have to have an eye for it but there are lots of common mistakes people make when it comes to designing or decorating a room. I am going to share with you my opinions below and what has helped me over the years to have my home look how I want. It's always a work in progress, but I am mostly happy most of the time with all the rooms in my home.
Cut Out Clutter

We all struggle here I am sure, but the number one killer of a visually pleasing area is clutter. I don't mean decor clutter, but day to day life clutter. I mean as pictured, mail, keys, nick nacks etc. Keep a designated space for those things. I keep all my "junk" in a drawer and cabinet... okay, a few cabinets, but this is not an organization blog. I try to keep anything I don't use or that doesn't serve a purpose in some way be it decor or functional, out of view. I store it away and get it out when I need it. I keep a mixer, a coffee maker, and a toaster out and that's about it. Remember, even if you have no style, clean and clear always looks better than clutter. If this were my space above, I would remove everything and replace it with a vase of fresh flowers. Every area and every space has the opportunity to be inviting, even your kitchen and baths.
Choose a Style Instead of a Theme
I always recommend to people to choose a style and not a theme. What is your style? Modern? Traditional? Mid- Century? Industrial? If you don't have a clue, click the link to take a quiz: https://www.hgtv.com/quizzes/find-your-design-style-toast-your-good-taste
I almost always get traditional. I use to be more cottage, farmhouse, shabby chic but I have evolved over the years into more traditional.
Don't choose a theme such as cows for your kitchen, or or fish for your bathroom. If you love those things, Great! Be sure to find a way to incorporate it somehow in small ways. If you aren't careful it can become overwhelming. My sister once expressed a love for all things tea, and for years everyone bought her tea pots, tea cups, and everything involving tea for decor. She finally had to put a stop to it. It was getting out of hand... when all you have are tea cups to sip soda in, it's gone too far. Less is always more. Stick to your style and incorporate the things you love. This will help you to have a space you're in love with, which brings me to the next and final tip.
Only Purchase Or Use Things You Love
This is usually my number one piece of advice to people. It is the rule I try to live by for my home and my wardrobe and I have gotten so much better at it over the years. It has helped so much!!! I try to only purchase and use things in my home that I absolutely love. If you are buying things that you don't love just for filler, then you are wasting your money. I have learned that the hard way. I would buy things to put on my walls because something needed to go there, right? Wrong. Again, it's better to have clean bare walls than walls full of wasted money. I still have bare walls in my home waiting for love because I haven't found what my heart desires for that space yet. Take this advice.
Remember, that the journey to loving your home is just that: a journey. Mine is never-ending. That is why I said, "I mostly love it most of the time". If you little by little start to do things that take you in the direction you want to go then you will find yourself never wanting to leave a house you love.