I once read in a magazine many years ago that if you want to keep a space from becoming a catch all, you should keep it made up. The article was speaking specifically to your table and table decor. I decided to put the article to the test and keep my table made and decorated. Viola! It worked! My table went from being a catch all to being a beautiful piece for design in my home. If I keep my table decorated, I don't throw mail, and jackets, and keys on it. That article has been proven true for my dining table. But I have found it to be true for most areas of the home.

Keeping known and shown areas of your home from being cluttered with the day to day things can be a challenge. I struggle with my kitchen counter. It seems to collect everything. I have found that the more you liven up and decorate the space the more likely you are to declutter. If I keep my bed made to perfection and my bedroom dressed up, then I don't throw my clothes on the floor. Who wants to throw clothes on the floor of a beautiful bedroom? Now, I am not perfect at this. I have just found that if I care for and liven up the space I am more hesitant to clutter it up. I have also found it helpful to let in natural light. The first thing I do in the morning is open up my blinds and let in the sun. I find I am far more apt to dirty up a dark dreary room and house than a bright sun-shiny one.

Having my rooms as decorated and made up as possible, has helped me to feel the utmost inspiration for keeping them tidy. It's harder to junk up something that looks beautiful to you (in my own experience anyway). In a time when Marie Kondo is taking us all by storm and getting us up and de-cluttered, let me tell you what will help spark joy: decor. Keep your home and areas appealing and well decorated and I have found that you will keep them a tad tidier.