I woke up last week and as soon as the light hit my eyes, my immediate thought was "I have too much to do". I proceeded to the kitchen to look at the dishes left from the night before and sighed at the sink. I was overwhelmed and tired. I didn’t know how it would all get done.
But it did. And you know what?
I missed the magic in the mess.
So many times in my life, I have let God’s blessing be a burden to me. We all have I am sure, but I’ve realized recently the weight I have let it be.
When my sink is full of dishes, I sigh at the sight. Instead, I want to thank God for food to eat and family to share it with.
When business is booming, I want to thank God for his abundance that provides.
When the season is slow, instead of worry- I want to be grateful for his rest I begged for in the rush.
I often feel the pull to stop. Slow down. And be thankful. But too often, I don’t.
Someone asked me the recently if I was excited to go on a particular trip. My response was embarrassing. “ I guess. Trips stress me out. All the packing, planning, traveling.”
Did I hear myself? So many eye rolls...
God has blessed me with such abundance and I don’t mean trips and “stuff”. I mean a life filled to the brim with people who love me and care for me.
The ugly truth: I have let it weigh me down. I have, at times, been a brat. Like a kid at Christmas who doesn’t get exactly what they asked for.
But even worse.
I have have gotten what I’ve asked for and far more than I deserve. Yet I have been guilty of missing the joy in his blessing more than I care to admit.

God, forgive me for missing the forrest for the trees, for missing your wonderful blessing and provision for a sink full of dirty dishes and friends and family I struggle to get around to, and trips I dread to plan. Forgive me for letting your blessing be a burden to me. May I relish in all you have so graciously lavished on me. May I feel your love in it instead of the weight.
My cup runneth over and when I forget, may God be quick to remind me: his burden is light and his blessing so rich.